Friday, December 21, 2007

E=M Energy & Matter Theory and Origin of Indian Languages

Ancient Indian observation are much beyond perfection levels modern world can imagine. The amazing fact here in this discussion will prove this.

Base theory of Indian languages like Tamil or Sanskrit or any other language is based on The MASS ENERGY Theory which was revived in the mid 20th century by Albert Einstein in the western world.

Energy Matter principles which are highly discussed in advanced physics has been highy discussed in most of the Indian sacred literatures with Energy Mass terms refferred as Sakthi or Vishnu and Saktha(Shiva) principals.

This is where the concepts of high end physics, astronomy, astrology have come into everyday use by common people across india. Lets me explain this with Language Tamil. the base syllables of Tamil are divided into two segements, உயிர் எழுத்து & மெய் எழுத்து means Energy Syllables & Matter(mass) Syllables.

Energy Syllables உயிர் எழுத்து---- அ, ஆ, இ, ஈ ........ ( a, aA, e, eE, uo,....etc.) etc

Matter Syllables மெய் எழுத்து---- க், ங், ச், ஞ், ட் ......(ik, ing, ich, ign,.....etc.) etc

Combination of the Mass and Energy is life or a meaningfull word.

The energy or உயிர் or sprit or Vishnu or Sakthi is has been reffered quiet often and are interelated highy with மெய் or Mass or Matter or Shiva or Lakshmi.

The famous equation E(energy)= M(mass) C^2 : Where C is the velocity of light used for various calculation. But the base theory is Energy is directly propotional to Mass. E ` M. Energy or Sakthi is directly propotional to Mass or Shiva is the base of the languages which we speak in our daily day to day life.

This is powerfull base of our Classical Indian languages and they are thought to Any Little Indian Kid in kindergarden of India learns.

I realise that our poet saints has been reffering this advanced knowledge of Tamil or languages as Thrid Level of Sanga Tamil.

Further research can be done on the parallels between modern science, Indian Languages and ancients science.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The transition of energy and matter is Time.

The transition of energy and matter is Time.
Energy is the only thing in this universe, which includes matter as well. Vice versa is also valid. Essenctially they are one and same. But Matter and energy are in Steady transition of changing forms i.e from Matter to Energy or from Energy to Matter, This transition happens at specfic interval which is called Time. Time as such is the unit of the transition from one form to another. The transition of energy and matter is Time. From Famous equation E=MC^2, we can arrive E/M (Energy Mass Ratio) = Square of Speed of Light. When Energy and Mass of universe gets to a balance, Time might seize to exist. Perhaps we might see a similar time around 21 Dec 2012, bCoz Time Wave Hits Zero at 11:11 UTC according to certain theories.Am telling this with an Anology of Shiva(Lakshmi) and Sakthi(Vishnu), Shiva represents Matter and Sakthi represents Energy. They togetherness leads to creation of world and various Emotions like Compassion, Love and all other range of emotions, which is similar to the concepts of Magnetism, Light, sound etc, around the matter when energy flows. Flow is maximum at the begining, gradually drops to zero as Shiva and Sakthi Balance out.Conclusivly, in my opinion, The transition of energy and matter is Time.

Einstein's E=MC^2 and Indian Languages Base

Perfectly agree with you that Ancient Observation are much beyond perfection levels we can imagine. Am from Chennai and I happend to learn the basic of Tamil, Sanskrit, Hindi and English, The MaSS ENERGY theory stated by Einstein is the base of these languages, I am confidant that any indian language would have its base on the same Sakthi and Saktha(Shiva) principals. This is where the concepts of high end physics and Astrology have come into everydy use by common people across india. Lets me explain with Language Tamil. the base syllables of Tamil are divided into two segements, Energy Syllables and Matter(mass) Syllables like அ, ஆ, இ, ஈ .. ( AA, e, eE, uo,) etc which are called the உயிர் எழுத்து or Sprit or Energy(Shakthi or Vishnu) Syllables and Ka, Gna, Cha, Na, etc are called the மெய் எழுத்து or Mass (Matter or Shiva) Sylablles. Combination of the Mass and Energy is life or a meaningfull word.

This is powerfull base of our Classical Indian languages and they are thought to Any Little Indian Kid in Kinder Garden. Ancient Sciensits much before Einstein had decoded the Energy Matter Continuum and have detailed about these subjects with much deeper acumen, then the current generation astro or meta physics scientist can understand.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Climate Change And MahaBharatha War

We are living in similar time of Mahabharatha. Post impact of MahaBharatha War was the Global Climate Change 5100 Years Ago.

The SCIENTIFIC Spritual Truth.The mahabharatha war (3266 BC) has a global effect and was a main reason forSinking of Atlantis Continent. Major portion of south india and western ghats have been submerged alongwith Atlantis in west.

The mayan where the few to survive the Atlantis submersion and they where saved by Sage Maya.. Later on the were called as Mayan Indian. Did Sage Maya took the flight to travel to Americas, to save Aryans of thesubmerging Atlantis? :-)

A fresh approch with global thinking on to the Mahabharatha gives new picture about the world before. And positively send the signals of the same global warming situation happening now.. remainds of the raise in sea level. The situation of past is repeating again and there is lot of discussion on Global Climate Change now.

Whats the action plan? who is going to save us?

Just Remember !!! Dwaraka submerged in seven days. With sea level raising to 40ft all of the sudden..OfCourse only the Blue Dark Energy that rules the whole universes can protect the earth, those who are with nature and with him(loved bhakthas). If u want to know about the Dark Energy and Vacuum energy you can get into these links, Yes that Dark energy has revealed itself to some good scientific people.

The Dark energy and vacuum energy are told long long time ago by saints ofthis part of earth as Vishnu and Shiva. While the US Department of Energy and Nasa are planning for $ 100 Billion research on Dark, Vacuumm energy/matter, Solar Scientist are now worriedover the next Solar Strom which could flip the Earth Magnetic Poles.

Opps whats happens when the Magnetic Compass needle points south? Lets wait and see.. Our Mother the earth is slowly losing magnetic force around her, Guys & Galswe need to help her, but you dont know how? Well, we can speak to her in Schumann Resonance frequency of 7:83hz.of Binaureal Beat (Chanting Aum in in that Frequency), and understand whats her problem.and try help her in Humanlevel.Meanwhile all these things happen in the present, We have a positive news,the Dawn of new Age: Golden age (hope a small part of good time in huge Kaliyuga cycle).

The Mayan of the central america have exactly mapped the datesof the cycle of Internal Kali yuga, according to the calender which the mostadvanced scientist of earth is amazed at, We are aligned Galatically withcenter of the milky way galaxy. this will be on December the 21st 2012. TheNew cycle starts on this day.You might think the Mayan's is a old concept.but now we have a newmathematical theory: The Novelty Theory which exactly tells of thesame date as of December the 21st 2012.So dont thinnk itsa dooms day but its a day of change in evolution ofnature, we will be upgraded to a new next level of human being. But this comes with The Sixth Mass Extinction of species on earth,

The Next evolution will have a new dimension to the existing 3 dimention of life, well we cant imagine it, only experiance it as it comes. Just recallthe evolutionary concept told in Srimad Bhagavatham Matsya, Kurma, Varaha,Narashima, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, BalaRama, Krisna, and....Kalki.. Yet we have lot of time in Kali Yuga, we are just 5105 year of 432000 yrs Kali...All the above tell that one day science and sprituality will become one.When Dark Blue Energy is know well as Lord Vishnu. and his Material form.the Dark Matters.

All these remaind one thing, the world is temporary. that all jivas, living entities, have come out from the glance of Karanadaksayi Visnu. They cannot be created, forthey are eternal, but they are coming from the light, the sight of Karanadaksayi Visnu. You should know what is that light. The dimreflection of that light is a combination of the semblance of cit-sakti,the semblance of the tatastha or marginal energy, plus vibhinamsa-tattva,plus maya-sakti. It is a mixture of all these four, and it is calledSambhu-linga. It is from there that the jivas are coming. Sambhu- linga isa semblance of Sadasiva-tattva. And maya (the deluding material energy)must also be present. If maya is not there, Karanadaksayi Visnu will notbe there, and there will be no creation at all. All this mixing becomesSambhu-tattva or Sambhu-linga, and by this the creation comes. Thecreation of what? This gross material body and subtle material body.

The soul is not created, but these two are created. We should know all thesetruths. That jivas are not created, but rather they are an eternalpotency. It is not possible to give more explanation than this.

We willhave to realize all this by chanting harinam.

jai shree krishna

Oneness in Cultures Around World

Native American Indians and Indian of Bharat - Ancient Connections

***Columbus was right : He found Indians:West Indians of Amera Loka***

Here is a observation between cultures in India and Mayan/Americas. You canfind fascinating Uniquenes and we can find new insights on the Time wave bylearing about both culture deeply. !The calender systems of Indian Almanac or Panchaangam(5 Limbs) and Mayancalender system(Long count) is divided into 5 units.Indian Almanac or Pan-changa, a Sanskrit word, means "five limbs," whichrefers to the fact that every panchangam includes the five basic elements oftithi (lunar day), naksatra (the constellation the moon is aligned with),karana (half-day), yoga (a particular angle of the sun and moon) and vara orvasara (solar weekday).Indian calender states Kaliyuga started during 3102 BC and Maya Calanderstart 3114 BC (diference of 11 years and 6 months)Today's Kali-ahargana(count since the age started) is 1865944.

The link between the old calenders has to be established. I feel thisconscious weaving of the different cultures is TIme wave job.There has been several similirities between India and Native Indians.*Maya- Establishing conection!*Internet article on Maya and Ancient Vedic Temple structures detalied byEurope Research Institute. gives structural similiraties.

Sage Maya was a greatest architech of Mahabharaha times(5100+ years ago) andwas one amoung the 18 divine arcitechs. Maya was rescued from forest fire byPandavas and Maya rendered his gratitude to Pandavas offering to construct apalace for Pandavas inIndraprashta (Delhi). It was Lord Sri Krishna himself who commissioned theMaya Sabha, the great council hall. He instructed the architect Mayato create a building so uniquely beautiful that it could have no rival. Hetold Maya, make it so sophisticated that no one will ever be able to copyit even if they spend years trying to learn its secrets. Maya promised hima building in which human and heavenly designs would combine to dazzle theworld. He did such an unforgettable job that the building was named afterhim, the Maya Sabha.

After Sage Maya's offering of knowledge to Bhagavam Sri Krishna,Sri Krishna blessed him asked to spread the Bhakthi(LOve and HumanValues)/Knowledge in "Amara Loka" (Ancient Indians called Amara Loka, thisland later called as America). The main reason was the raising tempertures level of earth atmosphere during those days and SageMaya predicted that there will be a catastrope if thee was any thinglike war between the Pandavas and Kuravas. Sri Krishna had asked sagemaya to protect the people of Amera loka and sage travelled by land to AmeraLoka. Amera Loka is the land mass between Africa/Europe and America whichwas called Atantis. After 32 years of Mahabharatha War world map changedforever to what we see at present 5108 years later after Sri KrishnaDisappeared. Atlantis, Lumeria(Kumari Kandam, Tamil land mass) and many more land masses including Sri Dwaraka went inside the oceanic changes.

This remapping of oceans and utter deluge was reffered in Bible that it was5000 years ago Earth was created, actually this is right(partialy) as it was star of the current Age of Kali(CUrrent year 5109running).The Great Pyramid at Che Chen Itza is dedicaded to Lord Sri Narayana'sSnake Anantha or Sheshan or Adi SheShen :-)Che Chen or She Shen both are same. SImilarly Sri Bramha was referred byMayan as Itzamn and His 4son's were called as Bacabs(Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanaadhana, Sanat Kumara)There are many many similarities between two cultures and Its all Becauseof Sri Krishna and Sage Maya whole Amera loka peoplesurvived.

Further Sage Bhoga had travelled to Amera Loka two thousand yearsago and he was received by people over there are more and more conections like COnnection between Thiruvannamalaimountain in India and Mount Sasta, Himayalas and Horse Shoe islands,California and Kapila aranyam(Where Lord Kapila still medidates), Padala orAmera Loka(Where Sri Vaamana andMahabali are there):)

Just thought would share few i can observe.

Mind, Consciousness and Universe - Rhythm of Nama

Mind, Consciousness and Universe - Rhythm of Nama

There is all kind of conection between these three.

While Consciousness is necessary for Mind to perceive the Universe, Consciousness is highly challenged by Universe by expanding its complexity and remains the ultimate uncomprehended truth.

Our Upanishads says "One can understand universe but can never exress what it is"All along the Universe(Vishwam) what one finds is the "Dark Energy" or also called as "Vishnu" and "Sakthi". Dark Matter which constitutes the remaining 24%(estimated by Scientists) represents Saktha or Shiva(Linga-Symbol of Dark Matter). Thus in the electromagnatic spectrum of universe matter(Shiva) and Energy are one and same.

The Famous Vishnu SahasraNama(One Thousand Names or Understanding of Universe) is describing about the Electro Magnetic Spectrum of Universe - Vishnu in a wonderfull way.

The first Hymn
visvam vishnur- vashatkaaro bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh
bhoota-krit bhoota-bhith bhaavo bhootaatmaa bhoota-bhaavanah

Universe(Vishwam) is electromagnatic Spectrum(Vishnu) in which flow of energy Creates life(Star,planet, asteriods etc) forms(Bhoota), in Future(Bhavya) Annihilate the forms, at Present (Bhavat) moment Sustain, is Greatest thing(Prabhu). Being Creator of All Forms (bhoota-krit), It Nourious those forms(bhoota-bhith) with its energy flow and it itselves becomes(Bhaavo) the All various forms (including stars, planets, dust, earth, actually everything) in universe. It is the base energtic thing of Everything(bhootaatmaa) and continues to keep creating, creating, all kind of creations(bhoota-bhaavanah ) like multiple dimensions of forms. It appears as though multiple universes, esssentially they all put together the ONE UNIVERSE.

Electromagnetic Spectrum is the consciousn field which consistes of all that we think, see, hear, feel, sense. Keeping our Mind flowing in Vishnu Consciousess and letting energy Flow as words in a rhythmic way is Joy. Singing Names of Bhagavan through Nama Sankeerthana Happiest thing in Universe!


Energy>Entropy : Actual>Maya : Vishnu>Maya

Entropy and negative Energy
Entropy is closly related to Negative Energy.

Science of Thermodynamcis calls a system with less entropy as perfect. Energy that is wasted into the system leads to entropy build up. So we got to be cautious of spending our Mind energy, if we use we accumulate entropy, that itself becomes a burden. Practically we cant live without using energy and we cant aviod entropy generation.

If we perfect ourselves in Hatha yoga we can learn how to minimise entropy generation and ways to convert entropy into energy.This is role of Lord Shiva, the one who destroys, actualy destroys the entrophy that is constantly generated by stars, planets, and we(the atoms of little dust particle, Earth)and converts it back to pure energy. The concept of Sanku, Coonch represents this whole process. Sakthi or Ambal is concert of Shiva or Linga or Saktha's role is keep entrophy away.

Entropy build up lead to Maya in a system! :)After few years our scientist will find this one and publish in major news papers. And will enjoy Intellectual hapiness and Nobel price etc. :-)

Energy-Universal Electromagnetic Spectrum- Brahmam

Brahmam is exactly the Electromagnetic Spectrum Which is Spread across Universe. Learned people of present age(like scientists, us) can atleast try to understand it, but when the same important learning/discovery/thought has to be taken to million and billions of humans who are living on earth or going to take birth in future, so that they can also learn about the universe and evolve themselves faster, it is a big task to give them a taste on the actual appearence of Universe with its electromagnetic spectrum. the biggest work of all time. This challange of teaching the Humans who are going to come in future lead to inventions of powerfull symbols by our Great masters of Ancient Bharatha.

These powerfull symbols are verily the aspects of the Brahmam and are vital clues to the Growing Human Intellect. Further their observation on the ElectroMagnetic Spectrum - Brahmam revealed them Six Major Distinct Aspects of the spectrum which was reffered as Vishnum, Shivam, Sakthim, Suryam, Ganapathim, Skandam.

Amazed by the facts Ancient Scientists divided themselves to focus deeply on each Unique Aspects and the connection. To take these findings to Human community, they related Discovered Aspects to Commonly Found Objects/Symbols and which helped to explain the facts to layman. Symbolisation are the original aspect of Brahmam and connects to knowledge of electromagnetic spectrum. When westerners(Like Greeks, Roman, mugals, Persians, Dutch, French, English, and now Americans) came to Ancient Bharatha(also current India) they found the knowledge/power/peace of the symbols and collectly they named it as GOD for them and their people to understand. Sri Jesus during His Bharatha yatra all along Himalayas to Jagannath Puri got himself establised into these facts and with the grace of his guru Brahma(ABraham as they prononounce) took the simplified version of Brahman or God to the Westerners.

All Gods, symbols, stories relating them in FUN WAY OF LEARNING Developed to explain Universal energy spectrum of us to DECODE!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Nama Sankeerthanam

!! ராதேகிருஷ்ணா !! जयश्रीराधेकृष्ण !!
۞ ஜெய்சத்குரு ۞
जयरामकृष्णन्हरी ஜெய்பண்டுரங்கஹரி