Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Brahmam or in otherwords "the electro magnetic Spectrum of universe" is the root essence of existance. Acording to Scodinger Atom is a Tendency of Energy... and other sceintist proved that Atoms are vast empty spaces. all these empty spaces join together and appear to be as matter but in reality its all pure energy. This is the exactly defined by term "Narayanam" Sri Narayanna is personalified and codified for our understanding of the universal consciousness. So in conclusion Matter is Energy, having a tendency of possessing mas density and other properties. but in reality its the observational mind which causes these parameters.The Famous Electron Wave ~ Particle experiment has clearly explains the Observing Minds impact on the tiny particles like electron, when observed they behave as Particle when not observed they behave as Wave. This is the phenomenal research lead to the bridging of human consciousness with Quantum Physics.As we understand these we will understand in clarity what Acharya referred by "World is Illusion or Maya "To keep it simple, we are not Bodies We are Energy Bands or Spectrums.There are tonns of discussion in internet/video's youtube on the scientific researches in these areas...Thyself Enjoy Ananda - Bliss.

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