Friday, December 14, 2007

Mind, Consciousness and Universe - Rhythm of Nama

Mind, Consciousness and Universe - Rhythm of Nama

There is all kind of conection between these three.

While Consciousness is necessary for Mind to perceive the Universe, Consciousness is highly challenged by Universe by expanding its complexity and remains the ultimate uncomprehended truth.

Our Upanishads says "One can understand universe but can never exress what it is"All along the Universe(Vishwam) what one finds is the "Dark Energy" or also called as "Vishnu" and "Sakthi". Dark Matter which constitutes the remaining 24%(estimated by Scientists) represents Saktha or Shiva(Linga-Symbol of Dark Matter). Thus in the electromagnatic spectrum of universe matter(Shiva) and Energy are one and same.

The Famous Vishnu SahasraNama(One Thousand Names or Understanding of Universe) is describing about the Electro Magnetic Spectrum of Universe - Vishnu in a wonderfull way.

The first Hymn
visvam vishnur- vashatkaaro bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh
bhoota-krit bhoota-bhith bhaavo bhootaatmaa bhoota-bhaavanah

Universe(Vishwam) is electromagnatic Spectrum(Vishnu) in which flow of energy Creates life(Star,planet, asteriods etc) forms(Bhoota), in Future(Bhavya) Annihilate the forms, at Present (Bhavat) moment Sustain, is Greatest thing(Prabhu). Being Creator of All Forms (bhoota-krit), It Nourious those forms(bhoota-bhith) with its energy flow and it itselves becomes(Bhaavo) the All various forms (including stars, planets, dust, earth, actually everything) in universe. It is the base energtic thing of Everything(bhootaatmaa) and continues to keep creating, creating, all kind of creations(bhoota-bhaavanah ) like multiple dimensions of forms. It appears as though multiple universes, esssentially they all put together the ONE UNIVERSE.

Electromagnetic Spectrum is the consciousn field which consistes of all that we think, see, hear, feel, sense. Keeping our Mind flowing in Vishnu Consciousess and letting energy Flow as words in a rhythmic way is Joy. Singing Names of Bhagavan through Nama Sankeerthana Happiest thing in Universe!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is trinity everywhere and in all aspects of human endeavours and universal truths.

1) The Meta Physical:

Shiva = Peace
Shakti = Progress
Vishnu = Prosperity

2) In the mundane world:

Shiva = Assets
Shakti = Growth
Vishnu = Profits

3) In the Spritual realm:

Shiva = Matter or Energy
Shakti = Vibration of the matter or the energy
Vishnu = Intelligence or the consciousness

4) In the atomic world:

Shiva = Neutron
Shakti = Electron
Vishnu = Proton.

Om Shiva Shakti Narayanaya Namaha!!