Friday, December 14, 2007

Climate Change And MahaBharatha War

We are living in similar time of Mahabharatha. Post impact of MahaBharatha War was the Global Climate Change 5100 Years Ago.

The SCIENTIFIC Spritual Truth.The mahabharatha war (3266 BC) has a global effect and was a main reason forSinking of Atlantis Continent. Major portion of south india and western ghats have been submerged alongwith Atlantis in west.

The mayan where the few to survive the Atlantis submersion and they where saved by Sage Maya.. Later on the were called as Mayan Indian. Did Sage Maya took the flight to travel to Americas, to save Aryans of thesubmerging Atlantis? :-)

A fresh approch with global thinking on to the Mahabharatha gives new picture about the world before. And positively send the signals of the same global warming situation happening now.. remainds of the raise in sea level. The situation of past is repeating again and there is lot of discussion on Global Climate Change now.

Whats the action plan? who is going to save us?

Just Remember !!! Dwaraka submerged in seven days. With sea level raising to 40ft all of the sudden..OfCourse only the Blue Dark Energy that rules the whole universes can protect the earth, those who are with nature and with him(loved bhakthas). If u want to know about the Dark Energy and Vacuum energy you can get into these links, Yes that Dark energy has revealed itself to some good scientific people.

The Dark energy and vacuum energy are told long long time ago by saints ofthis part of earth as Vishnu and Shiva. While the US Department of Energy and Nasa are planning for $ 100 Billion research on Dark, Vacuumm energy/matter, Solar Scientist are now worriedover the next Solar Strom which could flip the Earth Magnetic Poles.

Opps whats happens when the Magnetic Compass needle points south? Lets wait and see.. Our Mother the earth is slowly losing magnetic force around her, Guys & Galswe need to help her, but you dont know how? Well, we can speak to her in Schumann Resonance frequency of 7:83hz.of Binaureal Beat (Chanting Aum in in that Frequency), and understand whats her problem.and try help her in Humanlevel.Meanwhile all these things happen in the present, We have a positive news,the Dawn of new Age: Golden age (hope a small part of good time in huge Kaliyuga cycle).

The Mayan of the central america have exactly mapped the datesof the cycle of Internal Kali yuga, according to the calender which the mostadvanced scientist of earth is amazed at, We are aligned Galatically withcenter of the milky way galaxy. this will be on December the 21st 2012. TheNew cycle starts on this day.You might think the Mayan's is a old concept.but now we have a newmathematical theory: The Novelty Theory which exactly tells of thesame date as of December the 21st 2012.So dont thinnk itsa dooms day but its a day of change in evolution ofnature, we will be upgraded to a new next level of human being. But this comes with The Sixth Mass Extinction of species on earth,

The Next evolution will have a new dimension to the existing 3 dimention of life, well we cant imagine it, only experiance it as it comes. Just recallthe evolutionary concept told in Srimad Bhagavatham Matsya, Kurma, Varaha,Narashima, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama, BalaRama, Krisna, and....Kalki.. Yet we have lot of time in Kali Yuga, we are just 5105 year of 432000 yrs Kali...All the above tell that one day science and sprituality will become one.When Dark Blue Energy is know well as Lord Vishnu. and his Material form.the Dark Matters.

All these remaind one thing, the world is temporary. that all jivas, living entities, have come out from the glance of Karanadaksayi Visnu. They cannot be created, forthey are eternal, but they are coming from the light, the sight of Karanadaksayi Visnu. You should know what is that light. The dimreflection of that light is a combination of the semblance of cit-sakti,the semblance of the tatastha or marginal energy, plus vibhinamsa-tattva,plus maya-sakti. It is a mixture of all these four, and it is calledSambhu-linga. It is from there that the jivas are coming. Sambhu- linga isa semblance of Sadasiva-tattva. And maya (the deluding material energy)must also be present. If maya is not there, Karanadaksayi Visnu will notbe there, and there will be no creation at all. All this mixing becomesSambhu-tattva or Sambhu-linga, and by this the creation comes. Thecreation of what? This gross material body and subtle material body.

The soul is not created, but these two are created. We should know all thesetruths. That jivas are not created, but rather they are an eternalpotency. It is not possible to give more explanation than this.

We willhave to realize all this by chanting harinam.

jai shree krishna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is where Saivites and Vaishnavites differ... In Soundarya lahari, it is said that Siva existed before everything and shakthi the energy was born out of it. That Shakthi took a masculine form (Vishnu) and from there on the other forms of energy cropped up.

This is the converse of the theory that you just stated! May be this is where they had a difference in opinion though it was reduced to whether they worship Siva or Vishnu??