Thursday, December 20, 2007

The transition of energy and matter is Time.

The transition of energy and matter is Time.
Energy is the only thing in this universe, which includes matter as well. Vice versa is also valid. Essenctially they are one and same. But Matter and energy are in Steady transition of changing forms i.e from Matter to Energy or from Energy to Matter, This transition happens at specfic interval which is called Time. Time as such is the unit of the transition from one form to another. The transition of energy and matter is Time. From Famous equation E=MC^2, we can arrive E/M (Energy Mass Ratio) = Square of Speed of Light. When Energy and Mass of universe gets to a balance, Time might seize to exist. Perhaps we might see a similar time around 21 Dec 2012, bCoz Time Wave Hits Zero at 11:11 UTC according to certain theories.Am telling this with an Anology of Shiva(Lakshmi) and Sakthi(Vishnu), Shiva represents Matter and Sakthi represents Energy. They togetherness leads to creation of world and various Emotions like Compassion, Love and all other range of emotions, which is similar to the concepts of Magnetism, Light, sound etc, around the matter when energy flows. Flow is maximum at the begining, gradually drops to zero as Shiva and Sakthi Balance out.Conclusivly, in my opinion, The transition of energy and matter is Time.


Anonymous said...

I have a slight difference in opinion here... I perfectly go with you in the E/M <> 1 ever concept. But what I'd infer from that is Energy should always be much more than the material mass for a life-supporting atmosphere.

But when you say there is always a transition from mass to energy and energy to mass doesn't this contradict the mass-energy equation? In other words when E << M, the result would be the reduction in the velocity of light which sounds to me like a rare possiblity!!

۞Ghanesh said...

View Point 1:
Maya or Vishnu Maya is the controller of everything in universe. Her very Name Maya means the measurer. Its striking that the Mayan civilization were great measurers of time or Kal. Thus she has another name Kali one who controls time. As measurement is fundamental aspect due to Observation and thus using MIND. Thus Mind is forced to form in Lives across universe and leading to Quantum Discontinuity. This Quantum Discontinuty at the sub nano scale makes our mind to believe in Flow of time and thus universe is perceptually propelled in this way. While this is necessary for universe's life to keep moving, its important for those who seek oneness with Mother Kali or Yoga Maya to see to go beyond it. Now in 2012 we have such a chance to go beyond the time and become one with IT. Thus time is illusion and as long as Mind stays seperate from the Unconditional compassionate divine pure love state, Time will continue to spell its illusionary power. you can do anything and everything to stay in this unconditonal compassionate divine love and have Time/Maya not affecting you.